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Corns Specialist

Isak Badalov, DPM

Podiatrist & Foot Surgeon located in Kew Gardens, NY & Middle Village, NY

Corns are thick circles of skin that usually grow atop the toes. When you’re wearing shoes, corns can be quite painful — and they’re ugly to look at too. Esteemed podiatrist Isak Badalov, DPM, with offices in Kew Gardens and Middle Village, New York, understands how irritating corns can be. He offers treatment to remove the pesky growths and stop recurrence. Call the office nearest you or click the appointment link for help now.

Corns Q & A

What are corns?

Corns are thickened areas of skin that are typically small and circular. The most common area for corns is the tops of your toes, but they can grow on the sides of toes, between toes, or on your foot soles as well. The main types of corns are:

Hard corns

Hard corns are very thick circles of skin with a hard center. They usually grow on top of your toes. Hard corns are common on hammertoes and in toes affected by bunions.

Soft corns

Soft corns have a rubber-like texture and are usually lighter than the surrounding skin. This kind of corn normally grows between your toes. 

Seed corns

Seed corns are smaller than other types of corns. They usually grow in clusters on the bottom of your feet and may look a lot like plantar warts or calluses. 

Wherever they grow, corns can be inconvenient and uncomfortable. In severe cases, corns may grow infected and lead to serious tissue damage if untreated.

How are corns different from calluses?

Corns and calluses can look similar because they're both thickened skin caused by pressure and friction. In general, calluses are bigger than corns with a less uniform shape. 

Calluses usually show up on the weight-bearing parts of your foot, including the heel and ball of your foot. Corns are more likely to appear in non-weight-bearing areas, although seed corns are an exception. 

What is the treatment for corns?

The number one rule of corn treatment is to avoid potentially dangerous DIY measures. Never try to cut a corn off at home using nail clippers, scissors, or any other sharp implement. You could cut a little too much skin, which may quickly lead to an infection and serious complications.

In his practice, Dr. Badalov offers comprehensive corn treatment including both removal and prevention. Dr. Badalov can expertly remove corns in a simple in-office treatment session. 

He can recommend custom orthotics, footwear changes, padding, and other preventive measures to help you avoid corn recurrence. 

There's absolutely no reason to limp or wince because of corns. Let Isak Badalov, DPM, end your pain and get you back on your feet fast! Call the office nearest you or click on the online appointment scheduler now.